Life has brought me countless blessings – family
and friends, good health and humour, poetry
of fountains, birdsong, autumn leaves that waft
above our garden, ready for the snow and winter draft.
Nostalgia overcomes me softly as I breathe
familiar perfumes – nectar in a sieve.
How wondrous to relive my childhood moods
and musings – all those fancied certitudes.
Innocence prolonged the scent of paradise
-- the gentle harmony in mother’s eyes.
I quickly learned the rules of many games,
precocious thrills of framing my own aims.
Innocence gave way to self-reflection,
conscious of a need for path selection.
Ignorance did slowly yield to learning,
new perspective and horizons, blissful yearning.
Happy tunes resound within me, memories
of sweet encounters and discoveries,
infatuations, wistful dreams and whims,
imagining the angels singing hymns.
How wondrous to remember that first flame,
that musical confusion, drifting without blame,
heroic reveries of gracious travels on this Earth....
Nostalgia blesses me. I’m ready for rebirth.