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Ex Tempore
pen club

  vita brevis, ars longa (Seneca) English Spanish Franch German
Home / Poetry R. M. Rilke / My Poetry (in all languages - Word 2000 - more texts to follow)    drawing of Hradcany (Hradchin) by Martin Andrysek (2004)
I started
counting on
on 16.VI.2004







At 77 (to celebrate my birthday!)   

Prayer (musings on my 76th) - 31 May/1 June 2023

Rhyming at 75, 31 May/1 June 2022


Te Deum Laudamus, A post-Covid thought


Change and Continuity - April 2022


Nostalgia -- November 2021

Sursum corda in Lauterbrunnen - 3 September 2021


Cycling Rhyme -- 4 August 2021

blithe tulips --1 May 2021

Covid Rhyme -- 16 December 2020

Goethe Translation -- Geneva, 29 November 2020 -- In the heights reigns peace

Te Deum laudamus, Geneva, 1 May 2020

Existential Rhyme, Noordwijk aan Zee, 10 January 2020

Rhyming at 72, Obernai/Roufach 31 May - 1 June 2019

Rhyming on the North Sea, Noordwijk 1 January 2019

Cycling is a mode of being, Geneva-Noordwijk, 22 September 2018

Thank the Heavens, Geneva 12 August 2018

Symphony at 70, Geneva 1 June 2017

Aurora Musicalis, Oslo 18 February 2017

Free fall, Geneva, 15 November 2016, on losing one's voice

Carpe fidem, Geneva, 14 August 2016 on the eve of hospitalization

Wings of Iceland, Reykjavik, 30 July 2016

Imagine, Nordwijk, Holland, 27 August 2015

Drifting, Noordwijk, Holland, 5 July 2015

Upon rereading Rilke's Elegies, Duino, Italy, June 2015

At the Sydney Opera House (December 2013)

Vacationing down Under: A rhymed Essay (published in Ex Tempore XXIV, December 2013)

Hiking in Engadine, published in Ex Tempore vol. XXII, december 2012

Rhyming on Skis (a poem in installments) early versions published in UN Special No. 692, February 2010, p. 35. Also published in the literary journal of the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Esoteric 2010, p. 22 in connection with the Whistler Olympics, and ever growing from an original 8 strophes to 91 strophes today and counting.

Poetry of Silence (published in Ex Tempore XX, December 2009)

Churches: a rhymed essay - with 43 strophes and 48 endnotes to celebrate the many churches and cloisters I have visited and loved.

At 60 (to celebrate my birthday!)

Alma Mater GSD

Variations on a Theme (to my students)

Elysian Rune (a short epic in trochaic tetrameter, inspired by the Kalevala, published in http://sfd.at/akademie/2006/klassen/kalevala-en/allebeitraege/showWork.pt?startAt=0&workID=3
revised version published in Ex Tempore, vol. 17, p. 121)

Manichaean games (black and white, good and bad, topdog underdog, published in Ex Tempore vol. 17, p. p. 102)

Harmony, 2005 (published in Ex Tempore, Vol. XV)

Four Poems for Peace (Beatitudes, Apocalypse, Panem et Circenses, Dinosaurs) -
Ex Tempore Vols.XII & XIII 2002/3

The Young Poet (1989, published in UN Special No. 471, December 1989, p. 31 )

Ubi officium, ibi patria (1992 Ex Tempore III, p. 28)

UN: our second family - Russian version (1992 Ex Tempore III, p. 29)

Channel Surfing
(1995 Ex Tempore. Vol. VI, p. 48)

The Cursor
(1994 Ex Tempore, Vol. V, p. 68)

Manuel de Falla, 1976 (published in Ex Tempore No. 2, 1991, p. 15)

Free human rights
( published in the UN Special, September 1991,
sung at the concert of Chic Street Man
at the Grand Casino of Geneva, Monday 17 February 1992, p. 5 of the program)


blithe tulips  

Lebenswege (2002)

Beglueckt, a similar message as above, but in free verse, 1992
"Beglueckt" was translated into Chinese and published in Shanghai in 2003
in the literary magazine Baihuanyuan. Click here for scan. Click here for Word document.

Stufen (poem by Hermann Hesse, translated in Grindelwald 2007)

Brot und Spiele (translation of my anti-war poem Panem et Circensis by Annelie Bergmann, and published in the yearbook of the Friedrichsschule Luckenwalde 2006, p. 17)


Persévérance (novembre 2020)

Le Bonheur d'être Suisse (mars 2018)

Charlot (octobre 2016)

Passion Papillons (mai 2015)

Frisson (14 février 2012

Guantanamo (Novembre 2008)

Salève, Parnasse genevois
(première version publiée dans Ex Tempore XII (2001) p. 20,
version révisée, publiée dans le UN Special du mars 2009, p. 50
and in the AAFI/AFICS Bulletin, Vol. 68, No. 2, Avirl 2009, p. 18-19)

Airs de Bohème (traduction de Rainer Maria Rilkes "Volksweise") publié dans l'Escarpe, 2007


Perseverancia (noviembre 2020)

Creando belleza, Caracas 2 de diciembre 2017

Amor y cólera, Rapsodia o impresiones de un lector (Ex Tempore Vol., V, 1994, p. 69, also published in the PEN Anthology 1998, co-edited by the PEN Suisse romand, Deutschschweizerisches PEN and Centro PEN della Svizzera italiana e Retoromancia)

Desengaños (Ex Tempore, Vol. II, 1991, p.29)

Alientos (Ex Tempore, Vol. IV, 1993, p. 19)

A mi ordinador (published in Ex Tempore V, 1994, p. 68)


Peter in Holland Пётр I Великий





Eendelijk met Pensioen, 5 dezember 2018

Een liedje ter ere van Carla, 5 juli 2018

Windvang (written at the town of Goedereede, during a cycling tour through South Holland on 16 June 2006)

Sinterklaas voor Juf (5 dezember 2006)

Sinterklaas is lekker bezig (poem written for my Dutch class, 5 Decmeber 2005)

Geluk (written while cycling through the tulip fields of Egmond-Binnen in Holland, 7 May 2006)


Copyright ©2004-2020 Alfred de Zayas. All contents are copyrighted and may not be used without the author's permission. This page was created by Nick Ionascu.