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mirabile visu


at the annual congress of the Internationale Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte in Frankfurt



At the UN General Assembly in NY presenting my interim report on 2 November 2012

hakuna matata

On the occasion of the award of the "Ring Humanitas", September 1998



On a UN panel in Geneva

labor omnia vincit

Photo taken by one of my students, just outside my office at UBC in Vancouver (December, 2003)
Festina lente




at a UN panel

gratia gratiam parit
signing my new Rilke book for my mother-in-law at her birthday party in Maassluis, Holland, on 5 December 2004 (photo taken by my brother-in-law Jan). She got the very first copy, since the book was only officially published in January 2005. Reviews have been generous.
hakuna matata
13 July 2012, my official UN picture as Independent Expert on the promotion of a democratic and equitable international order
At the annual conference of the Zollernkreis and Preusseninstitut at Grafemschloss. After the oecumenical service in the chapel of Schloss Burg, near Solingen, in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, on 17 September 2006. Photo Kristof Berking

After my lecture on ethnic cleansing in Europe, during the annual conference of the Zollernkreis and Preusseninstitut at Schloss Burg an die Wupper, in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, on 16 September 2006. Photo Kristof Berking

quod scripsi scripsi
Autographing my book "Heimatrecht ist Menschenrecht" at Congress in Leipzig (June 2002) hodie mihi, cras tibi
vitam impendere vero
The President of the Centre P.E.N. Suisse romande with the President of International PEN, Ambassador Jirí Gruša at writers in prison conference in Barcelona, May 16-21, 2004
mirabile dictu My cozy office In Vancouver (2003)
I really loved it there as the UBC Douglas McK. Brown Chair in international law
ubi officium, ibi patria
With the first United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Dr. Jose Ayala Lasso, at the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin on 6 August 2005 At Schloss Burg an die Wupper, in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, on 16 September 2006. Photo Kristof Berking
At Schloss Burg an die Wupper, in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, on 16 September 2006. Photo Kristof Berking
ne quid nimis at the annual congress of the Internationale Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte in Frankfurt (April 2003)
medio tutissimus ibis at the 90th anniversary commemoration of the beginning of the Ottoman genocide against the Armenians, speaking at the international conference held at Yerevan 20-21 April 2005. Over a million people lay wreaths on 24 April at the memorial monument Leben ist eine Herrlichkeit! I do wear glasses, but the photographer insisted that I remove them because the flash reflected too much. What you must do to satisfy press people ! Berlin, 1998.
felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas
at the annual congress of the Internationale Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte in Frankfurt (April 2003)
Prof. Guido Knopp, de Zayas, Prof. Anthony Nichols, Berlin, July 2005
Panel discussion of the Institut für Zeitgeschichte in Berlin, 19 July 2005 "60 years Potsdam Conference", together with Prof. Tony Nichols of Oxford and Porf. G.H. Soutou of the Sorbonne. 19 July 2005 in Berlin at the international panel discussion on the Potsdam Conference, 60 years later.
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