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Silhouette of Fulbright fellow and frat pledge, Fuchs de Zayas, at Corps Rhenania zu Tübingen , 1971-72. See Arthur Dudden (ed.) The Fulbright Expreience, Transaction Books, New Brunswick and Oxford, 1987. pp. 59-69.. |
Group of young men of the Sophomore class at Harvard enjoying the sport of dueling and card playing, Woodcut, ca. 1857. I never dueled at Harvard, but I did play cards ! |
Corps Rhenania zu Tübingen, my fraternity while a Fulbright Fellow in Germany, located on the Osterberg, overlooking the Neckar River |
Suevia (IV) c/a Rhenania, Mensurbild, Tübingen,
ca. 1847, Aquarell, 20,5 x 16 cm, "fec. Ansel", Städtische
Sammlungen Tübingen, Inv. 2268. |
The chair of the "erstchargierter" or holder
of the first charge, the "Senior" of the fraternity |
Fuchs Overesch and Fuchs de Zayas sing from the Kommersbuch
and enjoy Dortmunder Kronenbier |
With Christian Schulze at the Kösener Treffen in
May 1979 in Würzburg, in the middle my good friend Wolf Spietz,
now a partner with a major Berlin law firm |
Singing "Ergo Bibamus" (by Goethe)
and "Gaudeamus igitur, juvenes dum sumus" (traditional)
-- the more mature Alter Herr at the Stiftungsfest
(fraternity festivity) in Tübingen, 1990. |
Blowing my own horm with the fraternity banner from
the top of the tower of the Corpshaus overlooking the Neckar valley
and the venerable university town of Tübingen below and the "Hölderlin-Turm"
on the shores of the Neckar River from where we used to go punting. |
punting on the River Neckar in Tübingen, against
the current and with a very heavy punting pole (far more difficult
than punting at Oxford and Cambridge, where I have done it with
aluminium poles, but under pouring rain), July 1977 |
Prince Otto von Bismarck, Germany's Chancellor from
1871 to 1890, as a young student at the University of Göttingen,
member of the fraternity Corps Hannovera where I celebrated my doctorate
in history on 27 June 1977. |
With Gösta Dahmen, Christian Schulze and Uli Overesch
at the Xmas tree in the Kneipe of Corps Rhenania, December 1988 |
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