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Home / Publications / Interviews / Lectures&speeches / Articles-monographies-chapters in books / Law&history / Charter of the German Expellees / Statement Ayala Lasso
I started
counting on
on 16.VI.2004






Syllabus of my World History Course, first semester

Statement by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay on surveillance

Santiago Declaration on the Human Right to Peace

Report to the General Assembly, delivered on 2 November 2012

Report to the Human Rights Council, delivered on 12 September 2012


Mandate. Independent Expert on the promotion of a democratic and equitable international order

Berkeley Universit'y Project 2048 brochure

Gordon Craig to Alfred de Zayas on the Goldhagen controversy (facsimile)

Appeal of Blois, initiated by Prof. Pierre Nora of the Académie française (12. October 2008)

Luarca Declaration of 30 October 2006 on the Human Right to Peace

Speech by Dr. Jose Ayala Lasso, first UN High Commissioner on Human Rights, on the occasion of the remembrance ceremony "60 years expulsion" in Berlin on 6 August 2005.

Dresden 13 February 1945, Press Release of the German World Alliance, 2007

Dresden, 13 February 1945, Press Release of the GWA, 2005

Charter of the German Expellees Stuttgart, den 5. August 1950

Declaration of UN Sub-commission on the illegality of population transfers
adopted by the Sub-commission 1997, by the Commission and by ECOSOC in 1998

Statement of UN High Commissioner Dr. Ayala Lasso to German Expellees, Frankfurt, 28 May 1995

Legal Opinion on the Ottoman genocide against the Armenians (updated December 2007)

Press Release on Follow-up Report of Human Rights Committee 4 April 2002


DFG-Schlussbericht, Göttingen im September 1979

Führerbefehl Nr. 1 (11. Januar 1940, als Facsimile in meinem Buch "Völkermord als Staatsgeheimnis")

Thesen zur Vertreibung (Annex to my book "Die deutschen Vertriebenen" Ares Verlag, Graz 2006)

Luarca Erklärung über das Menschenrecht auf Frieden (angenommen 30. Oktober 2006 in Luarca, Spanien)

Excerpts of speech of Dr. Jose Ayala Lasso to the Vertrtiebene in Berlin on 6 August 2005

Erklärung der UNO-Unterkommission, angenommen von der UNO-Menschenrechtskommission und ECOSOC 1998

Luftkrieg und Völkerrecht

Grußwort von Dr. Jose Ayala Lasso an die Vertriebenen 28 Mai 1995, Paulskirche, Frankfurt a.M.

Charta der deutschen Heimatvertriebenen Stuttgart, den 5. August 1950

ius in bello, ius ad bellum


Rapport au Conseil des Droits de l'Homme, 12 septembre 2012

Appel de Blois (12 octobre 2008)

Déclaration de Luarca du 30 octobre 2006 sur le droit humain à la paix


Informe al Consejo de Derechos Humanos, 12 September 2012

Declaración de Luarca sobre el Derecho humano a la Paz.

Copyright ©2004-2019 Alfred de Zayas. All contents are copyrighted and may not be used without the author's permission. This page was created by Nick Ionascu.